Newsletter 22nd March 2024

Dear Friends

As Holy Week approaches, I urge you to come on a journey. There is no doubt that the history of the world changed in a few short days with the crowds deliriously welcoming Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and the same crowds only five days later demanded their Saviour’s death. Joy and excitement through horror and despair and then further joy and disbelief on Easter morn. Imagine a goal disallowed by VAR and multiply the oscillation in mood by a hundred times. To undertake a journey by attending a Passover Supper, the Maundy Thursday washing of feet, a quiet hour on Good Friday and then (and only then) the joy of Easter is a trip through every emotion out there. You may be tired at the end of it, but I don’t doubt for a moment that the disciples were exhausted when Easter Sunday arrived. But there is also no doubt that the joy to which the Gospels testify was exaggerated by all that they had experienced during that incredible week. See below for details.

Lent Lunches
Please note that the final ecumenical Lent Lunches at St George’s takes place next Wednesday 12-1 p.m. All welcome. Last Thursday saw the final lunch at Hope Village Hall, which was well supported and much appreciated.

Dennis Owen
Dennis Owen’s funeral will take place at Holy Trinity Minsterley on Friday 22nd March at 1 p.m.

Richard Elliot, after many years of loyal service, is going to stand down as Webmaster of the St George’s website at Easter. If anyone feels able to take on this responsibility, please speak urgently to Richard or Greg about this.

For those who haven’t heard, Pontesbury Dental Practice will soon be exclusively private patients only. Final appointments are being offered to existing NHS patients before they will be asked to pay or go elsewhere.

Christian Aid
Susan and Alistair Bates, after many years of sterling work, are unable to coordinate the Minsterley response to Christian Aid week this year. The week runs from 12-18 May. It may be possible for a small team to take this on, rather than one individual. Susan has promised a full handover. Please speak to Greg, Richard, or a churchwarden to find out more.

Spring Harvest
Please note that the clergy will be away en masse at Spring Harvest from 1-5 April. Greg is still available by phone, although you may have to leave a message and wait for a call back. Otherwise, please contact a churchwarden.

Sunrise Service
There will be a Sunrise Service on Easter morning at Lower Camp on Pontesford Hill at 6.30 a.m. We will meet in the car park at 6.20 and then walk up to Lower Camp from there. This is a six minute walk at West Highland Terrier pace, gently up hill, although it will take longer if you’re not used to walking in the hills.

Lent Carbon Fast
One possible Lenten observance as opposed to giving up chocolate is to consider a carbon fast. There are various creative ways to engage with this. One possibility is the Christian charity, Climate Stewards. Details of what you might do can be found at This week, it’s fast from Social Media, which will be easier for some than others!

Passion Praise
A service of Easter music and readings led by Greg and the benefice choir will take place at St George’s on the Wednesday of Holy week, March 27th at 7 p.m.

Good Friday
There is a full programme of services on Good Friday as follows:
Children’s Service at 10 a.m. at St George’s
Prayers and readings at 12 noon at Hope
The Last Hour at the cross at 2 p.m. at Shelve
Service of Witness at 2.45 p.m. at School Green, Pontesbury
Tenebrae at 7 p.m. on HTM

Easter Sunday
6.30 Sunrise Service at Lower Camp
9 a.m. Holy Communion at Snailbeach & Hope
10.30 a.m. Holy Communion at Pontesbury, Habberley & Minsterley

Big spring clean
On 23 March at HTM from 9:30am til noon

Evening Prayer
A weekly service of Evening Prayer is held at Holy Trinity Minsterley at 5 p.m. on Mondays.

Snailbeach Coffee Morning
Coffee Morning at Snailbeach Village Hall
Saturday 6th.April 2024 for St.Lukes Church 10am till 12.
Cakes stall , tombola , raffle .
A friendly welcome to all.   
Joan Evans.
01743 791374

Calendar for the Week

Fri 22nd
Coffee at St George’s 10-12
Funeral of Dennis Owen at HTM at 1 p.m.

Sat 23rd
Spring Clean at HTM from 9.30-12
Dress rehearsal for Palm Sunday at 3.30 p.m.

Sun 24th
Morning Prayer at Hope at 9 a.m.
Holy Communion at Minsterley at 10.30 a.m.
Passion Play at Pontesbury at 10.30 a.m.

Mon 25th
Funeral of Peter Greenhalgh at St George’s at 1 p.m.
Evening Prayer at HTM at 5 p.m.
Passover Supper at 7 p.m. at St George’s

Tues 26th
Foodbank at HTM 10-12
The Gathering at 7 p.m. at Marton Village Hall

Weds 27th
Coffee Hub at HTM 10-12
Lent Lunch at St George’s 12-1 p.m.
Passion Praise at St George’s at 7 p.m.

Thurs 28th
Foodbank at St George’s from 10-12
Maundy Thursday Service at HTM at 7 p.m.

Good Friday
Children’s activities at St George’s at 10 a.m.
Prayers and readings at 12 noon at Hope
The Last Hour at the cross at 2 p.m. at Shelve
Service of Witness at 2.45 p.m. at School Green, Pontesbury
Tenebrae at 7 p.m. on HTM

Sat 30th
Minsterley Easter Trail

Easter Day
Sunrise Service at Lower Camp at 6.30 a.m.
Holy Communion at Snailbeach & Hope at 9 a.m.
Holy Communion at Pontesbury, Habberley & Minsterley at 10.30 a.m.

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The Parish Safeguarding Officer is June Cribb 07947 482066. The Diocesan Officer is Carl Steventon 07598817717

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About St George's

St George’s Pontesbury, is a Christian Community providing a loving and spiritual environment in which to embrace, explore and experience faith in order to serve our community. We hope you find what you are looking for. Please do contact us for further help, advice or information.

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