Pairs of Hands

We rely on practical help from volunteers to organise and run church services and out-reach activities. Specific skills are welcome – but much of what we do, whether it’s on a regular basis or a one-off event, relies on willingness just to “muck in”.
Practical help can be hard work – as our church family know only too well – but also very enjoyable and fulfilling.  Our volunteer “do-ers” will tell you it goes to prove the saying that you get out of life only what you put into it! In particular, we need help with:

  • Weekly services
    The Minister and Churchwardens are supported by a small team of “lay” volunteers. These people help with our regular worship services in several ways, such as acting as sides-persons, assisting at Holy Communion, singing in our choir, ringing the bells, providing flowers, and serving refreshments afterwards.
  • Regular out-reach activities
    These activities are almost entirely organised and run by volunteers: they include Little Dragons, T-Services, Friday Club, Who let the dads out?, Mothers’ Union, volunteering in our local schools and alternative worship services. You don’t have to be good with children or the elderly, but it helps!
  • One-off events
    Every year, St. George’s hosts events which raise money to pay the bills and keep the building safe and presentable. None of these can take place without volunteers who plan, arrange and run them. All involve hard work – but those who give of their time and efforts are rewarded by the end results. Good “organisers” are especially welcome, as are those with new ideas for raising funds….who can then turn them into practice.


The Parish Safeguarding Officer is June Cribb 07947 482066. The Diocesan Officer is Carl Steventon 07598817717

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St George's church supports Eco-church. We have reached the silver award. To find out more, please visit this  link:

About St George's

St George’s Pontesbury, is a Christian Community providing a loving and spiritual environment in which to embrace, explore and experience faith in order to serve our community. We hope you find what you are looking for. Please do contact us for further help, advice or information.

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