Newsletter 26th April

Dear Friends,

I travel regularly to London by train to visit my mother, and since moving to Shropshire last summer, I have tried various different routes to change onto the mainline to reach Euston. Each changing point brings its own minor challenges in terms of the standard of its facilities, the amount of time between trains, and the distance to walk to reach the right platform. I have settled on Crewe as my favourite, a station where some traces of Victorian splendour remain, but to be honest I don’t really mind where I change trains, so long as I can avoid Birmingham New Street. I have missed far too many connections there; and have painful memories of panting up and down stairs and escalators, only to see my train disappearing into the distance! The Christian life is often described as a journey, and the theme of journeying and pilgrimage is embedded in Israel’s story as it is told in the Old Testament. On our journey of faith, we have been given travelling-companions to help us carry our luggage and read the timetable, sisters and brothers in the church who care for us and pray for us. When we meet together for worship, we can gain strength so we can continue the journey.

Our Gospel reading on Sunday contains Jesus’ words: I am the vine, and you are the branches. It is Jesus who connects us to each other; because we are connected to him. In his hymn, ‘How sweet the name of Jesus sounds’, John Newton wrote these words about Jesus, the most important companion and guide for each of us on our journey through life, the one who is also our destination and purpose, the reason for making the journey at all:

Jesus, my Shepherd, Brother, Friend,

my Prophet, Priest and King.

my Lord, my life, my way, my end –

accept the praise I bring.

Rev Fran

Spring Harvest

If you think you might be interested in attending Spring Harvest next year, please speak to Greg or Fran Brealey.

Bernard Rodenhurst

The funeral of Bernard Rodenhurst will take place at St Mary’s Habberley on Tues 30th at 12 noon.

Prayers and thoughts

Our prayers and thoughts are with Chris Kinnersley who lost her mum, Audrey on April 18th and with Pearl Hannigan, who lost her son, David, on the same day.

April 28th

Please note that the service pattern on Sunday April 28th will be different in Minsterley and Pontesbury. The 10.30 service at St George’s will celebrate St George’s Day, with the uniformed groups in attendance, and will not be eucharistic. There will therefore a short said communion service at 12 noon. This will be followed by the APCM at 12.30. People are welcome to attend any combination of these three events. In Minsterley that day, we will launch Tea-Time church at 4 pm. at Minsterley Parish Hall, with no service in the morning.

Foodbank AGM

All are welcome to come along to the AGM of Rea Valley Foodbank on Weds 1st May at 2 pm. in the WER of St George’s

Tea-time Church

Will take place this Sunday at Minsterley Parish Hall at 4 pm and will include tea & cake; worship, a study of the Parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15 and prayers. All welcome.

Parents Group

Please pray for the Parents Group that will launch at Minsterley Parish Hall on Wednesday morning to be led by Claire Lonsdale and Greg.

Praise Evening

Our latest Group Praise Evening will take place at Holy Trinity Minsterley on Tues 7th May at 7 pm. All welcome.

The Gathering

The monthly praise event for Pontesbury Deanery takes place this coming Tuesday, 30th April at Marton Village Hall, 7 for 7.30 pm.

Group Social

St George’s will be hosting a bring and share supper. This is for the whole Pontesbury and Stiperstones family, designed to help us to get to know each other better, rather than a fundraising exercise.

Group Social has been postponed till later in the year

Bed & Sofa

A good condition double bed and sofa are available for free to anyone willing to collect. Contact Greg if you know anyone who would be interested.


Shrewsbury Youth for Christ and Shrewsbury Street Pastors are hosting a quiz at Christ Church, Bayston Hill on Friday May 10th at 7 pm.

Ascension Day

There will be a Group Service for Ascension Day at Holy Trinity Minsterley on Thursday May 9th at 7 pm. All welcome.

Plant Sale

Plant Sale on 18 May from 11am, on the Crown and Sceptre car park. Come along for plants, cakes and a raffle plus there’s coffee and lunch available at the pub. 

Hope and Shelve Fete

The Hope and Shelve Summer Fete will take place on Saturday June 1st from 2-4pm at Leigh Manor, Minsterley SY5 0EG. We need your unwanted books for the bookstall, as well as someone to do some face-painting. Please contact Rev Fran if you can help.

Minsterley Jumble Trail

Declutter your home and make some money for you and Holy Trinity!  Minsterley  Jumble Trail is taking place on 15th June from 10am – 2pm. Book a sellers spot for £10 and your address will be added to the FREE Jumble Trail map which will be circulated to the wider community. For more information and to book your table contact Sarah on 07971 984925

Minsterley Show

The Minsterley Show is back again on the 17th August and we need people to start making delicious cakes! If you think you can bake some cakes and pop them in the freezer then please do start as your support is very much appreciated! This is a big fundraiser for Holy Trinity and our stall is very much appreciated by the show attendees due to our reasonable prices – we can keep our prices down due to the fact that cakes and sandwiches are donated.  Keep the date in your diary and on your marks, get, set, bake!


The next few weeks is Annual meeting season. Do please come along to support your churches and their Officers. We seek to celebrate all that God has been doing amongst us over the last 12 months, and we hope it will therefore be an encouragement to all those who attend, while a good turnout is an excellent way of our showing our support and appreciation to the respective PCCs for their hard work.

The APCMs take place as follows:

Minsterley Thurs April 25th at 7 pm.

Pontesbury Sunday April 28th at 12.30 pm.

Habberley Tuesday April 30th at 2 pm.

Hope/Shelve Weds May 15th at 2.15 pm.

Calendar for the Week

Fri 26th

Coffee Stop at St George’s from 10-12

Sat 27th

Wedding of Jack & Ceri at St George’s at 2 pm.

Sun 28th

Morning Prayer at Hope at 9 am.

St George’s Day service at 10.30 am.

Holy Communion at St George’s at 12 noon

Pontesbury APCM at 12.30 pm.

Tea-Time Church at 4 pm. at Minsterley Parish Hall

Mon 29th

Minsterley Youth Café at 3.30 pm.

Tues 30th

Foodbank at Minsterley 10-12

Little Dragons at St George’s 10-11.30

Funeral of Bernard Rodenhurst at 12 at Habberley

Habberley APCM at 2 pm. in church

Pontesbury Safeguarding Ctte at 3.30 pm.

The Gathering at 7 pm at Marton Village Hall

Weds 1st

May Coffee Hub at HTM 10-12

Rea Valley Foodbank AGM at 2 pm.

Pontesbury Youth Café at 3.20 pm.

Thurs 2nd

Pontesbury Foodbank 10-12 noon

Sun 5th

Holy Communion at Shelve at 9 am.

Holy Communion at Minsterley at 10.30 am.

Family Service at Pontesbury at 10.30 am.

Evensong at Habberley at 5 pm.

Mon 6th

The Bible Course at 3 Earls Court at 7 pm.


The Parish Safeguarding Officer is June Cribb 07947 482066. The Diocesan Officer is Carl Steventon 07598817717

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About St George's

St George’s Pontesbury, is a Christian Community providing a loving and spiritual environment in which to embrace, explore and experience faith in order to serve our community. We hope you find what you are looking for. Please do contact us for further help, advice or information.

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