A note from the webmaster:- Here
Sunday Services at St. George’s have resumed.
Morning Services are held in church every Sunday. Holy Communion takes place on 2nd 3rd and 4th Sundays at 10.30. The first Sunday of the month is Morning Prayer, a more informal service led by the laity, also at 10.30.
All those attending are reminded that they must wear face-masks and must observe social-distancing and other Government regulations and guidance. On-line services are available for those who are unable to attend these services in person. Please note that these arrangements are subject to change according to the state of the Covid-19 epidemic.
For the time being, Little Dragons, Friday Club, Friday Coffee, The Tuesday Tea Service and Bell-Ringing, must all remain suspended, but we hope to resume as soon as government advice allows.

Pontesbury Village Newsletter can be found here. Downloads are at the bottom of the page.
Hereford Diocese plan to continue offering an online service every Sunday from the Diocese, it will be broadcast live via their Facebook page and available to watch later from their YouTube channel. The Facebook page is accessible to those who do not have Facebook, though you might keep getting invitations to join!
Here is a link to the service recorded for Sunday the 4th July 2021. This will be available after 10:15. For those wishing to donate through the collection plate, but are unable to do so as we are online, you might like to use our donate button here.
*You can use the weekly bulletin for private worship, Many people from around the world download this document, and together with the appropriate service sheet, follow the Collect, Readings, Reflections on the readings and Prayers of Intercession. Try it here: *
*Here’s a link to our monthly Parish Magazine. Past copies are also available*
Keep an eye on this page for any further decisions on our worship or other activities.