Newsletter 24th January 2025
Pontesbury & Stiperstones
Family of Churches
24th January 2025
There has been much in the news recently to disturb us: a new regime in the United States, the failure of UK systems intended to protect the most vulnerable, and the fragile hope of the ceasefire in Gaza coupled with increased conflict on the West Bank.
At such times we can find the belief that God is in control less than comforting. Rather we may want to lament with the Psalmist: ‘How long, oh Lord?’
In this Sunday’s gospel Jesus reads from the book of Isaiah. He announces that the prophet’s words (written in the most disturbing times) will be fulfilled though his own life and ministry: liberty will come to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, freedom for the oppressed and good news for the poor.
I believe this is not just a promise for a far distant future at the end of time, it is also an invitation to each one of us now, to know freedom, to hear the good news, to have our eyes opened. And it is not just for us, but for all the world. Whatever the rhetoric or actions of individuals and governments, Jesus calls each of us to follow in his steps. To be freedom-bringers, good news tellers, healers and peacemakers to those around us. May his kingdom of truth, justice and love come on earth as it is in heaven.
Rev Fran
Group Services
Please find below our programme of Group Services for 2025. Why not make a New Year’s
resolution to visit a sister church you’ve never attended before?
Wednesday= March 5th Minsterley
Sunday; March 23rd Pontesbury
Thursday* April 17th Pontesbury
Sunday+ June 1st Snailbeach
Sunday June 29th Worthen
Sunday Aug 31st Shelve (outdoors)
Sunday ++ Sept 14th Habberley
Sunday Sept 28th Hope
Sunday Nov 30th Pontesbury
Sunday** Dec 14th Pontesbury
Sunday Dec 28th Minsterley
= Ash Wednesday; In place of 5th Sunday of March which is Mother’s Day
*Maundy Thursday
+Additional service because of Deanery service at end of the month
++Afternoon Pet Service at Habberley Village Hall
**Evening Carol Service
Fran’s Op
At the time of writing, Fran’s Op is still ahead of us, although by the time of reading should be behind us. Many, many thanks for all the prayers and good wishes.
Evening Prayer
A reminder that there is a short service of Evening Prayer at Holy Trinity Minsterley every Monday at 5 p.m.
Bible Study Groups
We offer two opportunities to study the bible together to which all are welcome. On alternate Monday evenings, a group meets at 4 Parry Drive on Young’s Way in Pontesbury at 7 p.m. with the next taking place on 3rd February. And on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday afternoons of the month at 2.30 pm. alternating between The Blessing in Snailbeach on 2nd Tuesdays and Waterwheel in Wagbeach on 4th Tuesdays.
Minsterley Coffee morning
There’s a coffee morning on 25 January from 10am – 12pm. As well as cakes and refreshments there’ll be a Burns night-inspired quiz sheet with a bottle of whiskey up for grabs! Everyone is welcome.
If anyone is able to make cakes or help on the day, please contact Sarah on 07971984925 /
Games Evening
St George’s will be hosting a Games Evening at 7 p.m. on Saturday January 25th , tickets £5. For further details, please speak to Marianne McCall.
Community Meal
A second community meal is to be offered at Minsterley Parish Hall on Thurs Feb 6th at 4.45 p.m. We need 10/12 people to buy tickets for a three-course meal prepared by a professional chef at a donation cost of £10 per person. We also need 2 or 3 volunteers to help serve the meal and wash up afterwards. If you would like to do either, please contact Greg.
Lay Worship Training
The Deanery is offering a five week course on alternate Tuesday evenings, commencing 11th Feb for anyone who is currently helping to lead worship or would like to do so in the future. If you would like to know more, please speak to Greg or Fran Brealey.
Minsterley Youth Café
Continues to be a great success, attracting as many as 14 young people for pizza, games and craft activities, overseen by Joe Barnes. There is a small band of dedicated volunteers who would love some additional help even if it is once a month. Please contact Joe or Greg if you want to know more.
Little Dragons/Trinity Tots
Little Dragons will be continuing in the new year. Thanks to Aimee for stepping forward. We will still need more volunteers, as we do for Trinity Tots which meets on Thursdays at Holy Trinity. Please speak to Greg or Sarah Young if you would like to know more.
The Gathering
The monthly opportunity to worship with Christians from across the Deanery takes place this week and every third Tuesday at 7 p.m. at Marton Village Hall.
17 February 2025
18 March 2025
WW2 80th Anniversary
To mark the 80th anniversary of the end of the Second World War next year, we’d like to feature your recollections throughout the 2025 Minsterley Parish Magazines. These can be a memory of the war years as a whole, of VE/VJ Day, family history etc. They don’t need to be specifically Minsterley or even Shropshire centred – we’re excited to hear about wherever you were.
Pieces can be from 50 to 500 words. We can include an image though it will appear in black and white. Any image should be your own (rather than taken from the internet).
Please send your pieces to Sarah Edwards ( or David Young ( and watch out for what we hope will be a really interesting feature for 2025.
Please contact Marion Elliott if you are interested in attending the AGM with her to find out more. or 07833 325755
Calendar for the Week
January 2025
Calendar for the Week
Fri 24th
Coffee Stop at St George’s 10-12
Sat 25th
Minsterley Coffee morning at HTM 10-12
St George’s Games Evening at 7 p.m. in WER
Sun 26th
Morning Prayer at Hope at 9 a.m.
Family Service at Pontesbury at 10.30 a.m.
Holy Communion at Minsterley at 10.30 a.m.
Holy Communion at Habberley at 5 p.m.
Mon 27th
Youth Café at Minsterley at 3.30 p.m.
Lord’s Prayer Bible Study at 7 p.m. at 4 Parry Drive
Tues 28th
Foodbank at HTM 10-12
Little Dragons at St George’s 10-11.30 a.m.
Oasis bereavement group at 12 at Minsterley Methodist Chapel
Ichthus at 2.30 at Waterwheel
Weds 29th
Coffee Hub at HTM 10-12 noon
Pontesbury Youth Café at 3.30 p.m.
Minsterley PCC at 7 p.m. at HTM
Thurs 30th
Transport Steering Group at 10 a.m. at The Deanery
Trinity Tots at 10 a.m. at HTM
Foodbank at St George’s 10-12
Messy Church at St George’s at 3.30 p.m.
Sun 2nd Feb
Holy Communion at Shelve at 9 a.m.
Holy Communion at Pontesbury at 10.30 a.m.
Tea-time service at HTM at 4 p.m.