April 2016

 From the Dragons’ Den  green_dragon_s

There’s something special about Playdoh!  Extremely pliable, smells fruity and (so I am informed) doesn’t even taste too bad.

I suppose you, like me, remember the sticks of plasticine that we used to use for modelling in far-off days.  I can remember the odour and the texture of a new stick; the feel of the ridges in a new strip, a bit like tram lines.  How good it felt to manipulate a new piece, pristine and pliable, untouched by other grubby fingers.  It was excellent for crafting long, wiggly snakes, or people with club-like legs and arms.  It was more difficult to craft curly hair on a plasticine model, although not quite as difficult as trying to craft curly hair on my straight, straight locks.  (Oh, the pain as curl rags were imposed on my head in the valiant attempt by my Mum to give me the glossy ringlets that I so desired.)

So, back to Playdoh.  Lovely colours and, as previously mentioned, mustn’t taste too bad given the number of Little Dragons who like to try a sample snack.  It is possible that, psychologically speaking, the actions performed and the lack of resistance experienced, this material and other similar products, perhaps answer a need in all of us – to be unchallenged and have the means to mould the moment, the day, the world to our own satisfaction and to suit our needs.    11-02

For some people, life is a constant battle against seemingly great odds. Problems of aging, health and wealth can arise which appear to be unsolvable and unmanageable.  If solutions could be achieved by massaging a lump of playdoh, how easy life would be.

Instead, we need to continue doing our utmost to manage each situation, keeping a brave smile in view and, hopefully, finding that even this simple activity may help to alleviate seemingly unsurmountable problems.

As my six-year-old granddaughter remarked when I asked if her Daddy was feeling better after suffering a particularly nasty tummy bug: ‘He’s getting there!’

So, hopefully, we will also, ‘get there’, if we keep smiling, keep our fingers crossed and, if only in our minds, carry on working the playdoh.

Val Butterworth


The Parish Safeguarding Officer is June Cribb 07947 482066. The Diocesan Officer is Carl Steventon 07598817717

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